Wednesday 24 July 2013

Sexual Health of Men

Sex is the one of the greatest things we know and understand as men. For us, sex is one of our greatest gifts and pleasures in life. The sexual health of men is not as complicated as that of women. Show a man a certain type of image and if his brain and nervous are working properly to produce nitric oxide, then a response will usually occur.That is not to discount any mental, emotional and  spiritual components but this is the physical component that has the greatest impact on man's sexual health. Most men just understand how hormone levels could apply but few ever consider cardiovascular health.

Cardiovascular health : 

Your cardiovascular health is as important to your sexual health as it is to your overall health. The reason why the centers on the health of the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels of your body. The creation of nitric oxide occurs in these endothelial cells. If you do not produce right amount of the nitric oxide you may have penile dysfunction. Nitric oxide is not produce due to high blood pressure, excessive smoking or cholesterol. Endothelial cells and their ability to produce nitric oxide are critical to the sexual health of men.

Hormone levels : 

At its simplest level, sex is just a hormone driven function designed to  perpetuate the species. With that said, the sexual health of American men is in trouble. Testosterone levels have been decreasing over the last 20 years. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It plays an very important role in maintaining bone and muscle mass. Low levels of testosterone have been linked to lowered libido and diabetes. This diabetes can affect the endothelial  cells of the blood vessels compounding the problem of lower testosterone levels.

Over the past two decades, the level of testosterone in American males has decreased by 16 percent. Researchers do not know why.  But there are some clues. The recent nurses' health  study revealed some important truths as they apply to woman. Some of those truths also apply to the sexual health of men because they can affect both hormonal levels and cardiovascular health.

You have control over the process !

Every day you replace approximately 1%of your cells. That means your body is new today, 1% is new tomorrow and 1% is new each and everyday of your life. You choose whether those new cell will be nourished  properly or poorly. You  have to choose whether you will have healthy and vibrant cells that act young or sickly and sedentary that act old.

The sexual health of your body will be affected by the choices that you take. I can call it "the 1% solution" and it can positively affect the cardiovascular and sexual health of your body.

Choices affecting sexual health !

The nurses' health study highlighted 5 critical lifestyle and diet behaviors. They are :-

  •  Carbohydrates- slow verses fast !
  •  Fat- natural verses artificial !
  • Body weight- your BMI  !
  •  Exercise- is it important?

If you look at this list , there are three critical components emerge: diet, exercise and weight. You might think that this only applies to women. It does not! Each of these factors will affect your cardiovascular health and hormonal health . Each of these factors also affects the health of your endothelial cells and their ability to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide production is the most important component to the sexual health of men. Now look at how all of these factors impacts your sexual health.

The diet component !

The sexual health of your body and and the cardiovascular health of your circulatory  system will be greatly determined by your food and drinking  choices what you eat and drink. These choices will also impact the potential for disease and you age.

Your first choice is the area of carbohydrates. Are you choosing foods and drinks that are high in fast carbohydrates [simple sugar]? If you are, then you need to understand that :    

  • Fast carbs [complex carbohydrates]  create the potential for high blood sugar that can be cause of diabetes.
  • Fast carbs disrupt  hormone levels. 
  •  High blood sugar can damage  the endothelial cells of your blood vessels reducing the production of nitric oxide which is critical for good sexual health and cardiovascular health.

Learn how to consume foods that are high in slow carbs [complex carbohydrates]. Slow carbs help to keep your blood sugar levels normal and to keep balance of hormonal levels. Drink water instead  of sugar drinks and diet sodas. You need to know that drinking water hydrates your system, helps you balance your hormone levels , and aids in weight  management.

Your second choice is in the area of fats. Eliminate all trans fats from your diet and replace them with natural, heart-health fats. The nurses' health study clearly showed that how disruptive trans fats are to fertility in women. As little as four grams of trans fat [ the equivalent of two tablespoons of stick margarine, one medium order of French fries or one doughnut] began to disrupt their hormonal balance.

Now your third choice is in the area of protein. According to the Nurses' Health study, women who get their protein from the plant sources rather then from animals took a big step toward improved fertility. Animal protein can affect your sexual health. It also has direct influence on cancer.

If you do not want to give up your beef, pork or chicken, then invest the time, energy and extra cost to make sure that these sources of protein are hormone free.  Now a days much of the industry still relies on hormonal injections into their livestock to help to increase food production. Eating meat from these animals and their byproducts will affect your hormone levels. If you are not willing to switch to plant- based protein sources, then make sure  your meat and dairy sources are hormone free.

The weight component !

You have to like it or not weight impacts the sexual health of your body. Why? because fat interferes with your hormonal balance. Fat also stresses your cardiovascular system. This additional stress on your cardiovascular system will compromise the sexual health of your body. For the last 56 years American has been dieting. It has had no real impact on showing down overweight and obesity rates.

Please make food choices based on how it will improve your health and wellness, not on how it will impact your weight. Most people who do that, then you can see their weight stabilize or decrease.

The exercise component !

For both sexual health and cardiovascular health exercise is very important. Inactivity saps the body of its ability to respond to insulin and makes you less efficient in absorbing blood sugar.  People who exercise on regular basis, then they fell better about themselves and think that they are more sexual desirable.

It is very important to check with your physician or health care provider before you start an exercise program. Aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, biking and swimming are important  and seem to increase circulation to the pelvis and the reproductive organs. But do not forget about strength training exercise .Strength training exercises will help to maintain bone health and density. Additionally training exercise will increase your spatial awareness. This is a very positive feeling that improve your overall well being.

The nitric oxide component !

We can not live without nitric oxide. Your cardiovascular system could not function properly  without nitric oxide. The sexual health of your body revolves around the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide depends on the health of the endothelial cells of your blood vessels, and adequate supplies to the essential  amino acid L- arginine.

High blood pressure, high sugar levels, high cholesterol levels and smoking all affect affect your endothelial cells in a negative way. Damage to these endothelial  cells will reduce nitric oxide production. This can compromise the blood flow o the sexual organ resulting in reduced sensitivity or erectile dysfunction.

Conclusion :

If you continue a life of inactively, animal protein intake, food made from refined grains, sugary drinks, increased body fat, and inadequate nitric oxide production, then you will become part of the new reality of America. This reality includes epidemic increases in diabetes, continued high levels of cardiovascular disease and also stroke, continued high levels of cancer, and poor sexual health especially for those over the age  of 40.

If we take the necessary steps to improve your diet, exercise properly, manage your weight and produce nitric oxide properly, then you will get positive changes in the sexual health of your body.

Final thought

Although the hormonal balance between men and women are different, the process of change is the same. Many of the positive steps that improve the sexual health of men. These steps can also help sexual health of women. So men and women should take necessary steps  if they want  to improve their sexual health.

1 comment:

  1. Quite nice and impressive post thanks for share........................
